The pause continues. Today, Governor Andrew Cuomo said that his executive order, "New York State on PAUSE," will be extended until at least May 15, 2020. By prolonging the state’s stay-at-home directive, Governor Cuomo joins his cohorts in Washington, D.C., Wisconsin, and Los Angeles, who have also extended their stay-at-home orders. Others still are sure to follow suit.
Of note, Governor Cuomo left open the door for further extensions. As he put it, "What happens after [May 15], I don't know. We will see depending on what the data shows."
While a great challenge for all concerned, the restrictive measures are working in terms of stemming the spread of COVID-19. Rates of hospitalization, ICU admission, and intubation in NY are down, and it looks as though the state has passed the peak of its outbreak.
To ensure that trend continues, Governor Cuomo has also ordered New Yorkers to wear masks or cloth face coverings when out in public and unable to keep proper distance from other individuals. That mandate goes into effect at 8:00 p.m. (EDT) Friday (April 17), though there will be no penalty for violations.
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