The Implications of Marijuana Reclassification Part 1: The Corporate Sector

By Mehdi Sinaki

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ recent call to the Drug Enforcement Agency for the reclassification of marijuana to a Schedule III substance under the Controlled Substances Act has roused considerable attention across industries. For those in the burgeoning cannabis space, it represents a potential paradigm shift, though the potential move is not without its drawbacks. This analysis aims to dissect the prospective changes that reclassification could engender for marijuana-related businesses.

Corporate Governance and Compliance

The reclassification of marijuana to a Schedule III drug would necessitate an extensive review of existing compliance protocols for cannabis-related businesses. Regulatory frameworks would be expected to evolve, affecting licensing, distribution, and marketing strategies. Companies would be well-advised to anticipate such changes and adapt their compliance mechanisms accordingly. Moreover, the acknowledgment of marijuana's medicinal benefits could open up avenues for more FDA-approved medical applications and pharmaceutical collaborations.

The Stock Market and Investment

Investors have already reacted positively to the news of the possible reclassification of marijuana, as evidenced by a spike in cannabis-related stocks. Reclassification could also pave the way for these cannabis companies to be listed on major stock exchanges, providing an infusion of investment capital that could catalyze further growth. Additionally, reclassification could open up the U.S. market for foreign cannabis companies, leading to a more globalized marketplace.

Taxation Ramifications

Currently, marijuana is classified as a Schedule I substance, rendering it subject to severe federal restrictions and penalties. Critically for corporate interests, Section 280E of the Internal Revenue Code prohibits businesses dealing with Schedule I substances from claiming standard tax deductions or credits. As a result, cannabis enterprises have been shouldering taxes on their total revenue without the ability to offset taxable income through standard business deductions. A transition to Schedule III would not only relieve this tax burden but also enable interstate commerce, adding a new dimension of business expansion opportunities.

Remaining Challenges and Criticisms

It is crucial to note, however, that mere reclassification of marijuana to a Schedule III substance would fall short of resolving some broader legal challenges, most notably the conflicts between state and federal law. While a Schedule III status would signify federal acquiescence to some extent, it would not end the disconnect between federal illegality and state legalization efforts. Nor would it necessarily mitigate ongoing social justice issues related to marijuana criminalization.

The prospective reclassification currently under the microscope is undoubtedly a watershed moment in federal drug policy and offers several benefits for marijuana-related enterprises. That being said, it is not an end-all solution and cannabis-related companies should remain agile, attentive to forthcoming regulatory changes, and prepared to navigate a landscape that remains fraught with legal intricacies and social implications. With the possibility of reclassification as early as 2024, ahead of the Presidential elections, companies should be prepared for rapid policy shifts and should adjust their corporate strategies accordingly.

No doubt about it, as we move closer to a potential reclassification, perhaps as early as 2024, proactive legal strategy will be paramount for corporate success in this complex and evolving sector.

This blog post is not offered, and should not be relied on, as legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice in specific situations.

Mehdi Sinaki

Senior Associate
Corporate, M&A, Securities & Real Estate