Elliot Weiss was a featured participant in a panel discussion hosted by the CFA Society Chicago titled, “Investing in the Music Industry: Managing Royalties.” Moderated by Amy Zhang, CFA (Allstate Investments), the panel—which also included Nicholas Judd (CEO of RYLTY) and Jeremy Tucker, CFA (Co-founder of Raven Capital Management)—shined a light on what investors in private wealth and institutional management are looking at when it comes to assets within the music space.

Ashley Moore and Lauren Varnado were featured guests on an Energy 101 webcast hosted by Digital Wildcatters. In the episode, they engage in a lively discussion about how to navigate legal challenges in the energy sector and protect against liability. Some of the topics Ashley and Lauren cover include e-mail and communication best practices, privilege concerns, managerial responsibilities, and practical advice for employees and company leaders on how to respond and act when involved in a lawsuit.

Lauren Varnado

Office Managing Partner/Energy & Construction Practice Group Leader
Commercial & Business Litigation

During a presentation at the USA Gymnastics Region 1 Congress titled, “Top 10 Business and Legal Tips to Help Your Gymnastics Club Thrive,” Marc Jacobs discussed how gym owners could nip premises liability issues in the bud before litigation arises.

Marc R. Jacobs

Class Action & Complex Litigation, Commercial & Business Litigation, Regulatory & Administrative Law
Advertising & Digital Media, Insurance, Internet, Software & Technology

Marc Jacobs joined Christopher Ewing, CEO & Founder, One Inc. on a podcast titled, “TCPA Compliance in the Evolving Digital Insurance Landscape.” During their conversation, Marc and Christopher covered, among other things, the scope of the TCPA as it relates to insurance carriers and how insurers can protect against potential liabilities, including fines and penalties.

Marc R. Jacobs

Class Action & Complex Litigation, Commercial & Business Litigation, Regulatory & Administrative Law
Advertising & Digital Media, Insurance, Internet, Software & Technology

Scott Tenley was a panelist at the Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2020, presented by ThompsonWest.

Scott Tenley was a panelist at the Billing and Marketing in the Addiction Treatment Industry Webinar on December 15, 2021.

American Agents Alliance (AAA) Convention & Expo

Mark Robinson will present “The Case for Updated Insurance Licensing Exemption Regulations” at the American Agents Alliance Convention & Expo on Saturday, September 28 from 9 AM – 10 AM.

A lot has changed over the last 17 years, but not everything. Regulations promulgated by the California Department of Insurance – those issued in 2002 governing conduct that an unlicensed employee can engage in at an insurance brokerage or agency – remain unchanged; this despite all the technological advancements over the past decade-plus and the new ways in which the business of insurance – particularly at the producer level – is conducted. That these regulations have not kept pace with technology has proven to be quite problematic. Mark Robinson makes the case for updating the relevant rules.

Mark B. Robinson

Co-Founding Partner/Regulatory Practice Group Leader
Regulatory & Administrative Law
Banking & Financial Services, Insurance

2020 IIABCal LeadUp LearnUp Virtual Conference

Sacramento, CA

Mark Robinson will present on the panel, “California Consumer Privacy Act Update: What This Sweeping New Law Requires & Why Broker-Agents Shouldn’t Be Fooled By So-called Insurance Industry ‘Exemption,'” at the LeadUp LearnUp (LULU) virtual conference on Tuesday, March 31, 2020 at 9:00 AM.

Panel led by IIABCal General Counsel Steve Young, and featuring experts Mark Robinson, Mark Webb and John Norwood, Young will summarize the requirements of the current statute; Robinson will explain the meaning of the exemption for licensees covered by the Gramm Leach Bliley Act; Webb will explain implications of the requirements for policyholders served by independent insurance agents and brokers; and Norwood will summarize continuing legislative activity on these issues, and the November 2020 initiative that could completely change current requirements.

Mark B. Robinson

Co-Founding Partner/Regulatory Practice Group Leader
Regulatory & Administrative Law
Banking & Financial Services, Insurance

American Agents Alliance (AAA) Convention & Expo

Palm Desert, CA

Mark B. Robinson and Jeffrey D. Farrow presented on “Agency/Brokerage Agreements and Hiring Practices: Two Critical Topics for Producers to Consider,” at the American Agents Alliance Convention & Expo on Saturday, September 22, 2018 at 8 AM.

Through representing brokers and agents, Mark and Jeffrey have found agency/brokerage agreements and hiring practices to be two critical topics producers must consider. All too often, producers enter into contracts with insurers to solicit and submit applications for insurance without a real understanding of the terms they are agreeing to. To begin, Mark covered the topic of agency/brokerage agreements with insurance carriers. Thereafter, Jeff highlighted five pitfalls agents/brokers may face when hiring competitor’s employees.

Mark B. Robinson

Co-Founding Partner/Regulatory Practice Group Leader
Regulatory & Administrative Law
Banking & Financial Services, Insurance

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is being felt across industries, and no sector seems to be entirely immune from its destructive forces, the insurance space included. In fact, the outbreak has placed some insurers on the hot seat in the wake of their handling of business interruption claims. Exhibit A: the growing number of federal class action lawsuits recently filed against insurance carriers by businesses alleging that their claims related to business closures mandated in the wake of the coronavirus were wrongfully denied.

By virtue of this litigation, along with the slew of business interruption claims now being filed, many liability and claims-related questions have arisen. Well, Michelman & Robinson has answers. In this webinar, M&R attorneys address the inquiries insurance companies and producers have regarding the many challenges—and opportunities—created by the current COVID-19 related crisis.

May 14, 2020 11 AM – 12 AM PT

Topics to be covered include:

  • Recent class action filings against insurers regarding business interruption claims
  • Managing insureds’ complaints (from an insurer and producer perspective)
  • Producer and carrier obligations relating to investigation and handling of claims
  • Business sector impact overview and the amounts at stake
  • Arguments being advanced by insureds seeking coverage and insurance industry response
  • Key coverage extensions and exclusions — point and counterpoint positions


  • Mona Hanna
  • Mark Robinson
  • David Hauge
  • Warren Koshofer
  • Robert Berg

Robert N. Berg

Commercial & Business Litigation
Insurance, Retail & Apparel