March 31, 2020

California Consumer Privacy Act Update: What This Sweeping New Law Requires & Why Broker-Agents Shouldn’t Be Fooled By So-Called Insurance Industry “Exemption”

2020 IIABCal LeadUp LearnUp Virtual Conference

Sacramento, CA

Mark Robinson will present on the panel, “California Consumer Privacy Act Update: What This Sweeping New Law Requires & Why Broker-Agents Shouldn’t Be Fooled By So-called Insurance Industry ‘Exemption,'” at the LeadUp LearnUp (LULU) virtual conference on Tuesday, March 31, 2020 at 9:00 AM.

Panel led by IIABCal General Counsel Steve Young, and featuring experts Mark Robinson, Mark Webb and John Norwood, Young will summarize the requirements of the current statute; Robinson will explain the meaning of the exemption for licensees covered by the Gramm Leach Bliley Act; Webb will explain implications of the requirements for policyholders served by independent insurance agents and brokers; and Norwood will summarize continuing legislative activity on these issues, and the November 2020 initiative that could completely change current requirements.

Mark B. Robinson

Co-Founding Partner/Regulatory Practice Group Leader
Regulatory & Administrative Law
Banking & Financial Services, Insurance