Michelman & Robinson Announces Launch of COVID-19 Reintegration (Return-to-Work) Task Force

As COVID-19 continues to grip the nation, businesses of all kinds are left to navigate an ever-changing public health and economic landscape. This is no easy task, especially given the loud and clear calls to safely reopen the economy, schools, and life as we (used to) know it amid mixed messaging from our federal, state, and local governmental leaders as to how best to do so.

No doubt about it, we all want to start operating once again with an inkling of normalcy, but surges of the virus nationwide continue to make that a risky proposition. Nevertheless, businesses across industries have turned the lights back on, but many without a clear vision and roadmap for proper and lawfully compliant reintegration. For those in the latter camp, Michelman & Robinson can help.

When it comes to the intersection of COVID-19, business, and law, M&R lawyers have been at the forefront since the coronavirus reached pandemic proportions. In light of the scope of related work we have been handling on behalf of clients nationwide, and given their particular focus on getting back to “business as usual,” the firm is proud to announce the creation of its COVID-19 Reintegration (Return-to-Work) Task Force. This group of industry and practice specialists is available to provide advice and counsel and create policies and procedures covering the breadth of issues that must be contemplated by all entities—no matter the sector—operating in a world colored by the coronavirus. The topics critical to reintegration—those that our task force members handle on a daily basis—include:

  • Employment (policies, procedures, and manuals)
  • Employee training
  • Telecommuting and electronic use issues
  • Health and safety (OSHA, etc.)
  • Emergency procedures in the event of COVID-19 outbreaks/shutdowns
  • Insurance
  • Litigation and risk mitigation (releases and waivers, potential torts, invitee and licensee issues)
  • Regulatory and municipal compliance
  • Operations (equipment, signage, etc.)
  • Union Issues

COVID-19 Reintegration (Return-to-Work) Task Force Is Here for Clients

Our interdisciplinary team stands ready to provide immediate help—24/7—to stakeholders on all of the foregoing issues and whatever else may be encountered during the ongoing reopening and reintegration process. If interested, do not hesitate to contact us at your convenience to discuss the coverage of our task force and its deliverables. In the meantime, keep an eye out for a series of related alerts to come.

This blog post is not offered, and should not be relied on, as legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice in specific situations.